What is Brave and why can you be a verified creator?
Brave is a browser oriented to preserve the privacy of their users, in recent times Brave has achieved a base of millions of users. Brave’s problem is that in order to protect the privacy of its users it needs to remove the ads with their respective trackers and then leaves the websites without part of their income, and to fix this, they change it for their own advertisements without trackers but targeting them and thus generate income to Brave users who can then donate it to the websites and channels of youtube and twich, such as yours.

In other words, being a verified creator or webmaster in Brave allows you to earn money through manual or automatic donations from the millions of users who use the Brave browser, being totally free for them, although they can also pay if they wish.
In a way, Brave Publishers resembles Patreon, but is not the same.
How to be a verified Brave user or “Brave Verified Publisher”
Step 1: The first thing I recommend is that you download the Brave browser itself, it will be good to see how your website looks in there, it is also a very worthy browser, the second is that you register on the platform of publishers or creators of Brave here.
Once registered in the platform you will be asked to confirm your email and a double authentication factor through different methods, such as with the Authy application. And you do not need a password, just an email and the aforementioned app or another double authentication method available.
Step 2: At this point you already have an account as Content Creator verified by Brave. A capture of my account:
In the upper capture my account is observed. As you can see I have a balance, then I’ll talk about it. Above you will see the red button to add new channels that refers to youtube channels, twich and own websites. We click there and we will see the following:
As you can see in the previous capture, you take and choose an option. Check YouTube channels and twitch is very simple so I will not explain it. What can be more laborious is verifying websites in Brave, but in principle it is not complicated and it takes a few minutes.
We click on websites and the following will appear:
As is logical, he asks us for the URL, we go to the domain of our website.
After entering it we will see a link to a plugin for wordpress, which is this, I recommend you install it from the beginning, and in addition to that link to the plugin, we will see a code, once installed the plugin on our website, we put the code in the plugin (it will give us that option) and we return to the Brave platform and click “verify”. I do not put captures because it is just as I said and I would have to blur the capture code since Brave recommends that it be completely private.
Well, the verification will happen in minutes.
If it does not work, do not worry, then it gives you 2 more options, one is using verification modifying the DNS of your website, and the other way is uploading a TXT file with the code that we mentioned before. Actually you would be doing the same thing as the plugin, which is to generate a text file with that code, only we would do it manually from the cPanel of our server, I had to do it in that way.
You have official documentation and tutorials here if you need it.
And ready.
Do not forget to finish the verification, erase the code as recommended by Brave, it is for safety. The plugin can be uninstalled once verified and if you have done it using one of the other 2 methods, undo what has been done once verified.
We will already have a verified website or channel in Brave as a content creator. We can verify as many websites and channels as we want at first.
Make money with Brave Verified Publisher
Now that we are registered and verified user, we only have a couple of details left. I put the initial capture of my account down again, as you see “Tipping Banner”, it’s just to put a picture with our channel logo and a message to users, like “thanks for donating” or whatever you want . Anyway many users have their Brave browsers in automatic donations and they will pay you a percentage depending on the time they remain on your website and not manually, they will not see the message.
Before I told you to download the browser because that way you can see how your personalized message is and you can also see if your website appears as verified (verified on the platform occurs in minutes, but once your website or YouTube channel verified from the browser may take up to 48 hours)., the blog that you are reading right now, is verified, here is a screenshot of my website where you see the Brave browser and my verified website:
So you know, if you think the article was useful you can always reward me by giving me some BAT 🙂
As you can see in the penultimate capture I have a balance in the BAT cryptocurrency, you can choose other cryptocurrencies (ETH, BTC or LTC) also to receive your balance. And near from the BAT you will see that I am connected with Uphold, it is an associated wallet through a deal with Brave that allow us to change our money in cryptocurrencies for money fiat, either euros or dollars, you will need an account in Uphold to get what you earn with the donations.
Here I leave the price of BAT in real time and the total value of the network, at the time of writing this article more than 360 million USD.
In addition, but it is only promotional, you can invite your users and visitors either from your YouTube channel or your website, to download the Brave browser and they will pay you $ 5 for each valid user (it is understood that it is valid if the user uses Brave at least 30 days), but as I say this is only promotional and temporary. The interesting thing is that later those users will generate income automatically when visiting your website or if they donate you if they like your content and everything for free for them, while maintaining their privacy.
Affiliate links to download the browser will appear below in the account dashboard. You will have a link for each channel and it would be advisable that if you use them you do not mix them, that is, if you have a verified website such as for example and another verified website such as, use each link in each web, no use the link of on the other website, in this way you can see how many users you get from each site.
Why is it a great idea to register on Brave and when it is not?
I do not guess the future, so in the end everything depends on whether this browser succeeds or not, but considering who is the creator, a very prestigious computer scientist like Brendan Eich, inventor of the Javascript language and co-founder of the Mozilla foundation , among other things, and taking into account that the browser crypto, BAT, has already reached 366 million dollars today in total value of the network, in addition to having millions of users using the Brave browser and thousands of websites important as the Washington Post verified by Brave, because it is possible to think that it has possibilities of triumph, in addition the idea is good, it benefits a lot the users and the creators of contents. Those who lose clearly are online advertising, such as Google Adsense for example, I don’t say that is good, just is.
But in the end, or we have users who browse using Brave or we will not see income, but anyway, this in principle is a complement, you can obviously continue having your advertising on your website, your affiliate links, your services if you provide them, etc. .
Brave content creators here.
Download Brave here.
BAT website here.
Acepto donaciones de BAT's mediante el navegador Brave 🙂 |