How to create a banner for WordPress without plugin

Install a plugin on our site wordpress to show banners is fine but depending on the situation could be inefficient and like “kill a fly with cannon fire” install a plugin to display a banner.

So in this post I’ll show you how to create a banner ad or not, for your website with the WordPress CMS.

The first thing we have to do is go between the options that we have to the left of our desktop and click on the option “appearance” or “appearance” according to your wordpress is installed in Spanish or English.

And there we select the “widgets” option. As shown in the screenshot below.

Once there, the following will appear:

Now we look for the widget that says “Text”, for arbitrary text in HTML. We click with the mouse and drag it to any of the boxes that we have to have in the right part, which depend on the theme we use in our wordpress but will normally be called the “footer”, “header”, “right sidebar” and the “left sidebar”. And ready. Once dragged the widget to the area where we want it to be displayed in our wordpress and we just have to click again on the widget and write the code to show the banner.

For this we will need a photograph that will be our banner. The image is uploaded to our hosting, in my case I will use the Google logo of the google website itself, since our banner will show the image we link, no matter if the image is on our website or on another website, this case google.

We will simply write this code:

‘<img src = “URL of the image”>’, in my case:

<img src=””>.

It would look like this:

As you can see I have a banner on the right sidebar with the image of Google.

If you have uploaded your image to your website you can get the URL by accessing “Media” among the options you have in the left panel of your wordpress.

Now finally if you want you can add a link adding code. It would look like this:

<a href=”URL”> <img src = “”> </a>

Where does URL put the address you want to redirect when people click? What creates the link is the <a href=”URL”> </a>

What you put inside the “a” will be where the link is to click, be it a photo, a button made in HTML or text.
So far today’s article. Nothing more to add except that I have explained how to make a banner for wordpress, as well as place it on it. But if we work with an advertising company we will only have to copy the code and paste it into the widget.





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