Monetize your website by mining Monero (XMR)

A controversial way to monetize a web page without advertising is to mine monero (XMR), this went viral after the most important page of illegal downloads worldwide (The pirate bay), used coinhive, to use the computational resources of the dispostives (pc, smartphones and tablets) that visited the famous portal.

And it has gone a lot of controversy if this is ethical or not. Is it advertising ?. I’m not going to enter in the ethics issues, I’m just going to introduce you to the 2 best miners that there are to integrate them in our web.
Both mine in the network of Monero, there is none decent that mine in bitcoin … why? because mining Monero is the most profitable cryptocurrency to mine from a conventional computer, and it is not accidental, since Monero was made with the intention of not making miners (processors) specialized to mine as it happens with bitcoin, which causes the Bitcoin network falls into a few hands. While Monero, it is just as minable with almost a commercial processor as with a specialized one, so it should be distributed among more hands.
In other words: it does not make sense to mine our visitors a currency that is not Monero, since it is the most profitable one to mine, therefore mining another cryptocurrency from a web browser from a PC, mobile or tablet, is throwing money.

The 2 great tools to make miner our visitors on our website are: CoinHive and CoinIMP. Both pages provide us with a javascript script that we will introduce on our website or directly with a plugin if we use wordpress and that’s it all. When visitors arrive at our website your browser will begin to mine for us.

I have to say that on YourWPweb I do not use any miner, because in my opinion, using a miner only comes out profitable on websites where monetization is difficult and the users’ stay is long, since the longer a user remains user on our website with the miner, because more will mine. It also depends on the power of the devices of our visitors, being preferable or better a website where visitors visit us from a computer and not from mobile devices, which we can easily see in our google analytics account.



CoinHive VS CoinIMP


Power and benefits: The first and most interesting to know is which of the 2 is more powerful, that is, having the same visits from identical devices, which of the 2 miners will give us more benefits?

My PC with Firefox (yes, the browser can also influence but not too much), and with an I7-4500u mine of average 26H / s in CoinHive and 28H / s in CoinIMP. The difference is minimal, the best, if you want to see what you get more profitable on your website is to put a miner to reach 1000 visits and then use the other to reach 1000 visitstoo. And to see which one has generated more Monero. Obviously if you have a website with many visits and the test is done by reaching 5000 visits, the more accurate and reliable the result will be.

The H / s are the hashes per second that are resolved operations. CoinImp pays 0.00008118 XMR for every million hashes, while coinhive pays 0.00005952 for every million hashes. In addition, the CoinImp commissions are lower.

Everything seems to indicate that CoinImp will earn us more money. It also depends on when we change our Monero to conventional money, since the price of the cryptocurrencies fluctuate a lot, which we can do through Coinbase for example.

In the following screenshot you can see my dashboard in CoinHive, where I have mined almost half a million hashes with my personal PC:


CoinImp I have used less because it takes more time to discover it since it appreciated a few months or years after coinhive, but it comes stomping, in the dashboard of the photo you can see that I have mined almost 100,000 hashes. I did it with my PC and I do not remember how much time I was using it but not much time.

One important thing that you should know, is that obviously to mine on your PC you do not use these miners themselves, since these miners are the best to mine from a web browser, which is perfect to monetize our visits but obviously are not as efficient as a miner that is a program installed on our PC, as would Minergate for example. Since with Coinhive and CoinIMP I have reached about 30H / s, and with the same PC I reach 70H / s using minergate. Obviously minergate does not serve to monetize our website since it requires that we install the program.


Affiliates: CoinImp has an affiliate program, although quite weak, 1%. That is, if you register with CoinImp through my affiliate link, I will earn 1% of what you earn (beware, you will earn the same if you register on your own, my commission is taken away from you, my affiliates, from another or from no one).

Meanwhile, CoinHive lacks an affiliate program, probably because it was the first famous script, so it did not need an affiliate program to promote it.

Aqui gana CoinImp también.

Using with wordpress: Here both win, because both have great plugins to be integrated into wordpress in a simple way.

Plugin for CoinHive:

Plugin for CoinImp:

To sum up

Both miners are interesting and can make us earn money by monetizing our websites with them. I would say that CoinImp is better, but I do not say it because I have an affiliate program and I’m going to win something, because I’m not going to earn anything, I also spend a lot of time on my blog, which I do not even advertise for now (and I’m more than a year).

As for ethics, I do see it as ethical but always be advised in the policy of use of our website. And obviously making your users mine is not the best monetization ever. That depends on factors that I will not explain in detail but to give some example: it is foolish to slow down our visitors by loading their processor if we have an online store because if we have a store that has a thousand daily visits and 4 sales per day that generates us 40$ per day , it is foolish to annoy users by risking sales by earning, perhaps, one dollar for those thousand visits. Instead an online store where we have 3,000 daily visits and only sell 1 thing each day earning 10 euros with the sale, and with the miner we would generate 3 dollars, since it is more convenient.

The same happens with warez sites (illegal average downloads) or sites in general of difficult or low conventional monetization and above that users spend a lot of time, there the miners are the king. For this reason Pirate Bay used it.

I hope you found the article useful, I will soon write more detailed how to integrate each of the 2 miners, but it is quite simple with the plugins, it will not cost you work to those who know a minimum of wordpress.

Greeting! 🙂


Signup in CoinHive.

Signup in CoinImp.


Monero price in real time.


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