The point is that don’t care if you have curiosity or no, to know what has been searching is so useful.
I’ve been using a plugin for that during years, and I know what are searching my users, so I don’t recommend that plugin in special but I recomment It becouse has been useful for me, its a simple plugin and so effective.
This plugin has a pay-version but I’ve been using this for years free becouse the free-version is enough useful.
This plugin will let you to know which searches have been searched in our sites for the next periods: today and yesterday, last week and last month. In addition is more interesting the second chart where you can see the same time periods but only see the main searches that didn’t find anything. So you can write new content based in your traffic searches, in this way you can increase your number page views and your users’ satisfaction.
This plugin can help us to improve our ads, content and others things.
I consider Search Meter a powerful marketing/data plugin.
Note: In this plugin I don’t show how to use It becouse is so simple to use, once you have installed It you must to choose 3 or 4 options in the settings. Plugin and play.
You can install this plugin through your WordPress panel or download It from here.
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