Create the perfect favicon for a website
- What is a Favicon and how can It to be used?
- Ideas for a Favicon
- How to create the perfect favicon?
- Setup our favicon in our WordPress website
What is a Favicoin and how can It to be used?
A favicoin is an HTML element that shows the “logo” for a website, there are static and dinamic favicons. A favicoin is a photo, It used to be .ico but nowadays exist favicoins: .ico, .png and .gif.
The favicon is useful to show the website logo, brand to the people. In addition a favicon makes the browser user better to the users becouse they can exchange more easily between several browser tabs.
At the present time a favicoin is 16×16 pixels, so this is a square. Some users could think that a favicoin can be more big but is not true, some of them believe that becouse when you upload your favicoin to your website, some CMS let you upload a big image but this will be automatically reducted.
Now you are in, you can see above of all a blue WordPress logo, that is the YWW favicon.
Ideas for a favicon
A favicoin can be cool and striking, should be. But the small size makes It difficult, so our favicon could be our logo and if the logo is not small enough you can use a parte of your logo or a simbol related with your website content.
In my opinion the best favicon should be cool, nice, simple, and easy to remember. In fact, that is just my opinion, you can use a funny logo or anything you want to show.
How to create a favicon?
In my way there are 2 method to create a favicon:
The first one, create a favicon using a photo: For this you have to search a suitable photo and It will be introduced like favicoin in your website, there are not changes if you have a wordpress website, a own coded website or anothers.
The most of CMS let us introduce a image directly and crop It after or the CMS just will make the photo more smaller.
If our CMS don’t let us makes that, we could use a web tool for that point: Convert an image to favicon.
Due to we just need a image we’ll could search It in Google using the filters or search in a cool icons website like this, where you will find thousands and you will can makes transparent background for each icon.
But there are a lot of website to found our perfect logo/favicon and we can create It too using programs.
The second one, create a favicoin using web tools(my favourite way): I’ve used a lot of online tools for create my favicons and in my opinion this one is the best: is a indredible website if we need to create a favicoin. You can just to drag and drop a color in each square. All colors are available and the tool is free.
With this tool can be created a dynamic favicons too!
I’ve created a favicon for this post:
You can see in the photo that you will can select a color and paint each square but you can use It more fast if you keep the mouse key cliked. In addition you can paint all squares or you can leave transparent some of them. In my head a transparent background favicon is the most cool ever for a website 🙂
Please, note that the favicon table is 16×16.
Another good thing of this website is that we can paint our favicon while we are seeing It above becouse have not own favicoin, instead will appears our painted favicon in real time!
In addition in the first photo, below of squares there is: “use animation”. With this function a dynamic favicon can be created easily.
Just have to paint a favicon, select a time(second) and add another favicpon and select the time in seconds. In this way, in my example I would create a center color and each second will be added another color in the spiral. You can create a lot of small animation with this.
Once you have finished you can download It free with a button in the footer.
Setup a favicon in WordPress
There are a lot of plugins for wordpress to create a favicon(silly), and others to set up a favicon. I think is a bit silly to have a plugin just to create a favicon becouse a favicon is not something to change each week and the plugin will spend memory in our hosting and makes our website more slow.
On the other hand a plugin to setup our favicon is useful. You can insert your favicon using HTML code but this is some difficult for many people and if you have your favicoin in the code It will be deleted each time worpdress will be update. So, the best solution is a plugin or theme.
Theme, theme nowadays there are a lot of themes that lets you to upload a logo or favicon, so open your “customize” option in your wordpress appaearance and upload It. This is the best way to have your favicon in yout wordpress website but there ir a problem: all wordpress theme haven’t got this function, so there are a second best way to get your favicon uploaded:
Using a plugin.
There are a lot of plugin fot this but if you have jetpack(the plugin more used in wordpress) you can use It to upload your favicon. Just login in your account and select the website>settings>here is the option!
But if a day change the site to upload the favicon just spend a few minutes to find It.
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